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10 Creative Lead Generation Strategies for Your Business

We live in such a competitive world that for every idea we have, there are multiple companies doing the same thing. As a business owner, this makes your life far from easy, as you always need to be on the edge of your seat in order to get your customers’ attention.

It’s no lie that you have a limited amount of time in your days of which you spend a great portion doing administrative things like creating a website, paying your bills, and hiring the right mix of experts. Then at the end of it all, you’re left wondering where to focus your marketing efforts.

You want - and you need - new customers. Yet, implementing lead generation strategies hasn’t fallen on your list of priorities until now. Or maybe you’re just looking for a simple refresher of new tactics? Either way, we’re here to help.

And we’re not talking about leads from a quantity perspective, but the following ten lead generation strategies specifically focus on high quality ones that will turn into customers who keep coming back for more.

What is a lead generation strategy?

A lead generation strategy is the process of using tactics that aim to create potential customers who are known as leads. Leads are people who express high interest in purchasing your business’ products or services.

There are many lead generation strategies which we will dive into below, from word of mouth and in person initiatives to strictly online-based tools. As a business owner or the head of your company’s marketing, it is your responsibility to choose which ones will work best for your unique business.

If you divide your focus among all ten of the following strategies, your chances of successfully obtaining new leads will be much smaller than if you set your focus on just a few at a time. So, start with 1-3 ideas that speak to you the most, implement them, evaluate their performance, and make an informed decision about whether or not you’ll continue on that path or switch to another one.

Without further ado, meet the lead generation strategies that will help you to grow your business and customer base:

Create a strategic website

Ignite the power of SEO

Build engaging forms

Add live chat to your site

Request testimonials from your customers

Produce content across the Web

Initiate a referral-based program

Work with a complimentary business

Connect with social media influencers

Host a networking event

01. Create a strategic website

Your online site is the place where conversion happens, which is why we put this strategy at the very top. We can’t stress enough how important it is that your website is both sharp and professional. The components that will help you achieve this include smart design, a mobile friendly version, and a website builder that gives you the power to completely customize it and make the edits you want at any given moment completely on your own.

We suggest starting with one of the many website templates offered through Wix. No matter what type of business you have, there’s no doubt that you’ll find a fit. There’s an array of templates for everyone, from restaurant owners to health and wellness based businesses, and everything in between. These templates are fully customizable, allowing you to easily adjust them to meet your unique and specific needs.

No matter where your design process starts, there’s one major thing your site isn’t complete without: CTAs. Also known as a call-to-action, these are the key components to getting leads directly from your website. Where do you want users to go? What do you want them to do? Explicitly state that in you CTAs and place them front and center on your website.

Lastly, by choosing Wix as your website builder, you’ll be able to manage all of your business needs in one place. Ascend by Wix, which is automatically included on your website, offers customer service and marketing tools such as live chat, a built in inbox, invoicing, email marketing, automations, and more. To find out more, read about this complete business solution for your website here.


02. Ignite the power of SEO

While we’re on the topic of websites, we must stay that nothing you’ve done in step one is complete without proper SEO. Those fancy three letters refer to search engine optimization, or the process of implementing strategies that aim to help your website rank higher in specific keyword search results.

No matter how beautiful your website is, it’s all for nothing if no one can see it. Use these SEO tools to get your website out there, and in front of the eyes of more and more customers. Some examples include following a personalized step-by-step plan, as well as optimizing how your content will appear on the SERP (search engine results pages).

03. Build engaging forms

Forms result in leads. Period.

If a person took the time to fill out one of your forms, there’s a really good chance that they are already a lead. In other words, this person is interested in learning more about and potentially purchasing your products or services. You can follow-up with them by sending out an email or giving them a call.

Forms also help you obtain key information about your clients, such as thow to contact them and what brought them to your site. This will allow you to easily reach out to them in the most targeted way possible regarding your business’ offerings. Using Wix Forms, you can access Wix Automations within your website’s dashboard to create an automatic follow-up email each time a new form is submitted.

To get you started, here are some useful tips to create engaging online forms for your website.

04. Add live chat to your site

The opportunities for engaging with your customers through live chat are numerous, especially when you use Wix Chat.

First of all, it’s become the new norm for how customers and potential customers interact with businesses - in fact, it’s practically a requirement for every customer-facing business’ website today.

Second of all, live chat allows you to interact with your customers in real time. And if you’re not around, you can set up an automated reply.

Third of all, with Wix Chat you’ll be able to send a lead capture form over chats. This enables you to to receive key contact details from your site visitors such as their email, name, and phone number (like we’ve covered in the point above).

Last of all, due to the previously mentioned reasons, how could you possibly doubt that live chat is one of the best lead generation strategies? Consider this: Wix users who installed live chat on their site experienced a 33% increase in online reservations and a 39% increase in sales after just one month.

If you still have your doubts or simply want to learn more, read up on these reasons why live chat is critical to your online success.


05. Request testimonials from your customers

Many times customers make purchase decisions based off of others’ opinions on a business and/or a particular product or service. That’s why it’s a great advantage for you to share positive opinions and experiences of existing customers on your website - with their permission, of course. This can be in the form of recommendations or success stories. In order to get you started, take a look at these different examples of powerful customer testimonials and how to get them.

06. Produce content across the Web

Like you’ve read above in the SEO section, the more you get your business ‘out there,’ the higher your chances are of attracting new customers. There are many ways you can do this directly from your website, including the following:

Social posts: Using one of the many templates available within your Wix website dashboard, you can create your own eye-catching social posts and customize it to fit your specific promotion.

Create a blog: Blogs not only help you improve your SEO strategy, but they are a great way to keep customers informed of everything happening in your business and around your industry. Learn all you need to about how to start a blog with this informative guide.

Email marketing: From a weekly newsletter to a new product launch, emails generate leads when the content is short and catchy, while the CTA is bold and tempting. Create, schedule, and track email marketing campaigns easily from within your website’s dashboard.

07. Initiate a referral-based program

Picture the process of signing up for a ride sharing service. The way that most of them work is that if a friend refers you, both of you get a discount or free first ride. Surely other referral examples come to your mind too. As you’re aware, this lead generation strategy works - and very well as a matter of fact.

Why would you not want to apply that concept to your very own business? If you want to bring in new, potential customers, write up your own referral plan. Then, create customized coupons to send to both your returning customers, and the new ones that they referred.

08. Work with a complimentary business

Unlike a competitor, a complimentary business is one that sells a product or service that fits perfectly with yours. In fact, both of your services might be more marketable together when it comes to lead generation.

A classic example of complementary products is peanut butter and jelly. Let’s say that you sell organic nut butters and another brand sells superfood-based jam. The two of you can work together as the perfect duo, whether you decide to sell your items for a packaged discount, or to send samples of your nut butters with every jam purchased.

Think about a product or service that compliments your business. Then, brainstorm a creative way that you can give consumers a taste of your business or a tempting discount by working with them.

09. Connect with social media influencers

Influencers have established credibility as well-known figures in their industries. Consumers are willing to listen to their opinions because they are seen as authentic people. Depending on your business, it might be worthwhile for you to work with them, as they are a trusted third party who can help perk interest in your product or service by sharing their genuine opinions via reviews.

Consider doing some research on influencer marketing. Then, reach out to well-known ones in your industry and offer a way that you both can work together, either by giving them a discount or free swag for referrals. You’ll quickly see how this lead generate strategy is a clever way to start winning over more consumers.

10. Host a networking event

Everyone loves free things, especially food and drinks. So, whether a happy hour or picnic, events are a great opportunity to foster organic connections with your customers. Surrounded by food and fun, this strategy is a casual way to create interest around your offerings.

It’s also completely acceptable, and even encouraged, for you to come prepared with a speech and company-branded giveaways or goodies.

To promote your event with invitations, sell tickets, collect RSVPs and manage your guest lists from the convenience of your website, get started with Wix Events.

Key takeaways for lead generation:

In conclusion, there are many lead generation strategies available to you across the web. In fact, there are so many that it might be overwhelming to sift through them all! So, take a step back and consider the most important takeaways:

Your website should be the limelight of your brand. Follow this guide to learn how to create a website, and then add the final touches: CTAs, live chat, forms, and SEO.

Content is king, no matter if it’s created or received. Produce a blog and social media posts, and request testimonials from past customers.

Teamwork makes the dream work. Work with influencers and complementary businesses to spread information about your brand further than you could possibly do alone.

Now create your website in the intelligent Click here to see our other services click here!


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